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FREE PAIN REFLIEF ...  FREE STRESS RELEASE ... FREE RELIEF FROM EMOTIONAL PAIN ... FREE EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH .... and much more!  Ignite your own power and discover the vital secret for emotional wholeness and physical relief. If you feel trapped and caught in an ever-spiralling cycle of fear, anxiety, depression, discontent and ill-health, EFT (Tapping) provides you with the tools to grow, flourish and thrive, which enables you to put the past in the past and live fully in the moment. 


Tap Into Weight Loss Tapping combines the principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology to provide you with the ability to free yourself from the effects of past events and resolve the emotional drivers behind the cravings, binging and self-sabotage that keep you overweight.  The missing piece to long-term and successful weight loss can be found by utilizing proven EFT (Tapping) success prinicples to: reduce and eliminate immediate cravings and emotional overeating. My Worth™ EFT shifts your genetic code and hormones to support a healthy weight; enables you to enjoy your favourite foods without them controlling you; clear your unconscious anxiety and fear around food; stop feeding your hungry heart with foods that ultimately don't satisfy you; turn emotional binges into permanent weight loss results.


Tap Into Wealth Release the hidden money blocks held in the subconscious mind that keep your thoughts aligned to a poverty consciousness that continues to sabotage your hard work and success. Discover and learn how to eliminate these emotional blocks so you can live the abundant, happy and healthy lifestyle you would consciously choose for your life. "We look at how much we are earning and our savings and debt and tend to think they are the result of a variety of external factors beyond our control and mistakes we have made over the years. When you realize that you started with precise wealth set-points and everything that has happened in your money has actually been a result of these set-points, you step back into control. Instead of blaming yourself for mistakes of the past or avoiding money altogether, you can unravel these set-points and actively create new ones for yourself." Kathy Caprino Forbes Leadership


Tap Into Loving Relationships Transform your relationships, avoid the break-up, meet your soul-mate .... support your personal growth and care for your relationship by releasing personal hurt triggers and move into all that is conscious loving within you. Learn to tap out love blocks, limiting beliefs and fears and establish boundaries that will bring respect, fulffilment, emotional support and understanding.  Develop healthy parent-child relationships that empower and inspire growth, nurturing and development. 

Transform your life forever with "The Spirit of The Champion" Masterclass.  Uncover the strategies and laws of success that determine the mind of inspired leaders.


The Spirit of The Champion Masterclass provides you with a leadership & success blueprint that supplies you with the ability to take control of your emotions and take charge of your life.  A specially designed tool-kit addresses all the essential life-skills and mindset required to aquire financial stability, reinvent yourself and your circumstances, whilst pursuing your goals and dreams.  


Fix Your Life: A step-by-step recovery plan evaluates the damage whilst avoiding the excruciating reality of sabotaging your own success in the future.


The Spirit of The Champion Masterclass addresses how to succeed against the odds by overcoming the dark path you may find yourself on whilst holding your head up and confronting the issues head on.  The course addresses your mistakes, assists you to start rebuilding and puts a plan in place for you to recover from the catestrophe and never have to do it again! 

Get The LIfe You Desire Right Now!
Achieve Real Results That Bring Lasting Change

The Spirit of The Champion


"The law of wealth is the same for every person and no individual can be kept in poverty by circumstance; the tide of opportunity to riches is available to all who are empowered by knowledge."

-The WORTH Prosperity Bible

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Exiting The Shame Territory: Money is the chief cause of emotional conflict and stress. Emotions do not fit on a spreadsheet and cannot be explained away by the creation of an excel model. Good financial decisions require more than a spreadsheet. They also require that we understand our own behaviors and our emotional response to money.

WORTH LifeSuccess Academy™

WORTH MRT™ opens up a new world of possibility. Discover and make use of forces within yourself that you never knew you possessed. There is a truly powerful and unstoppable creative force in our legitimate desire in visualizing and affirming things as we want them to be.






The Power Of Emotional Healing Is In Your Hands: “Gentle, safe, highly effective and proven tools to live the life you really want are at your fingertips.  Based on 5000 year old ancient techniques, the art of tapping honours what is already inside of you and sculpts the magnificence of your true being into perfection.”  


The Ancient Code Of Success

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